What is Kruger Omni Healing™?

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This amazing, gentle, hands-on therapy works by connecting directly with the nervous system to bring balance and relief from symptoms, often within a single 10 minute treatment!  Kruger Omni Healing (KOH) Technique is effective for almost every ailment, as the treatment restores balance throughout the body, allowing it to operate in an optimal state.

Acupuncturist, Jean-Paul gives a Kruger Omni Healing Treatment

Kruger Omni Healing is a system developed by Dr. Joshua Kruger over the past 40 years. It uses light touch to both diagnose and treat the nervous system.

KOH practitioners understand that the human body’s nervous system is the communications network of the body. If it’s not working optimally, then every other body system is impacted. Conversely, by facilitating the optimal functioning of the nervous system then we can see improvements in the rest of the body. This is why it’s called Kruger OMNI Healing — because the whole body benefits.

How does KOH Work?

The KOH practitioner uses light touch to stimulate the nerves in the skin, through the patient’s clothing. This stimulates the nerves in the skin, causing a response in the body that we can measure, such as subtle differences in leg length. Through the response to the light touch the practitioner can determine what areas of the body need help.

Once the initial assessment is done, the practitioner treats those areas identified as needing help by tapping gently but firmly along the nerve pathways (also known as dermatomes) that correspond to the area of the body being worked on. The tapping essentially resets that part of the nervous system, allowing the body to function properly again.

It’s often helpful to think of the KOH as finding and fixing a blown circuit breaker in a house. When a fuse goes in a house, it’s often not possible to determine which breaker has been triggered. So, you switch each breaker off and on until you find the right one – in KOH, that’s the light touch. When you reach the blown breaker and the lights go back on, that’s how the body responds when the right nerve pathway is treated by the KOH practitioner — it lights up again, energy flows properly, and the system starts functioning optimally.

What can KOH treat?

Because it works with the nervous system — which is the communications network for the entire body — KOH can be helpful for a variety of issues. It can boost the functioning of organs and muscles, and improves posture. KOH can help with sleep, mood, and digestive processes. A very effective treatment for pain, KOH can assist with range of motion issues such as frozen shoulders, whiplash, etc… Relief can come after just one 10-minute session.

Why do you keep touching my feet?

As described above, while performing the light touching, the KOH practitioner looks for signs that a particular body system is not functioning optimally. KOH has its roots in Applied Kinesiology, which was developed by Dr. George Goodheart.

Dr. Goodheart discovered that the body responds to stimuli in a way that can be measured, and used muscle testing for his diagnostics. Another way in clinical practice is to measure this response is to measure changes in leg length. After a KOH practitioner gently touches a nerve pathway, the next thing he or she does is look at the patient’s leg length. If the body system being stimulated is not working optimally, there will be a slight muscular shift in the spine, which will make it look like one leg is shorter than the other.

What should you wear?

You will be fully clothed during the treatment, so wear what is comfortable. Ensure you can move easily in your clothing. Whatever you wear to a community acupuncture session is perfect!

What does a treatment session look like?

Most sessions will begin with a postural assessment to give the practitioner information about your musculature, posture, and provides an initial sense of any organ systems that might not be functioning optimally.

After the postural assessment, the practitioner will invite you to lie down on the table, fully clothed. Beginning at the head and moving down to the feet, the practitioner will lightly swipe their fingertips over the body, monitor for changes, and then tap along the applicable neural pathways to treat any imbalances that are discovered.

After the treatment, the KOH practitioner will repeat the postural assessment, and ask about any improvement in pain, range of motion, etc… The vast majority of patients receive some form of improvement in just one 10-minute session.

Some of the ailments people have been successfully treated for at Stillpoint:

  • Car accident/whiplash
  • Tendonitis
  • Infertility
  • Headaches
  • PMS & painful periods
  • Digestive disorders
  • Body aches and pain of all sorts