Jean-Paul teaches Kruger Omni Healing
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There Are Many Good Reasons to Learn Kruger Omni Healing

              Kruger Omni Healing (KOH) is a gentle yet highly effective technique developed by Dr. Joshua Kruger DC,  that you can learn in just one day.  KOH is non-invasive, safe…
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Don’t Fear the Needle

When people get acupuncture for the first time, they will often admit to being nervous about the needles.  Which isn’t surprising, they’re probably imagining a hypodermic or a sewing needle, when in actual fact, an acupuncture needle is…
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Is Acupuncture Safe?

A recent A-Channel Segment (see below) talked about a study done in Hong Kong regarding the safety of acupuncture. The study claims that acupuncture is a vehicle for AIDS, Hepatitis, and as Arlo Guthrie would say, "all kinds of mean and nasty…
Several people relaxing after receiving acupuncture. Acupuncturist removes needles from a patient in the foreground
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Benefits of Acupuncture

Here is a quick run down of some of the syndromes and disorders acupuncture can  benefit.  Acupuncture is commonly known to treat pain and injury of all types: back injury, tennis elbow, migraines, sports injuries, knee pain and the like. …

Bill C-51

Here is an article I wrote that appeared in the American Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine's online publication, Qi - Unity Report Canadian Health Regulations Act Bill C-51 - is TCM at risk? By Jean-Paul Thuot, RAc Bill…
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Back pain

Harve says: After a terrible fall down some stairs a couple of years ago, my back has been in chronic, sometimes excruciating pain. I have been taking pain meds ever since, but I want to get better! Does anyone have any suggestions for…