5 More Things Acupuncture Could Help You With
by Morgan Cross, R.Ac
Is there anything acupuncture can’t help? Well, in emergency situations, it’s probably best to head straight to your nearest hospital. But with so many musculoskeletal, internal, and dermatological applications,…
There Are Many Good Reasons to Learn Kruger Omni Healing
Kruger Omni Healing (KOH) is a gentle yet highly effective technique developed by Dr. Joshua Kruger DC, that you can learn in just one day. KOH is non-invasive, safe…
Don’t Fear the Needle
When people get acupuncture for the first time, they will often admit to being nervous about the needles. Which isn’t surprising, they’re probably imagining a hypodermic or a sewing needle, when in actual fact, an acupuncture needle is…
Chiropractic Therapy and Craniosacral Therapy – Alternatives for Fibromyalgia Patients
Benefits of Acupuncture
Here is a quick run down of some of the syndromes and disorders acupuncture can benefit. Acupuncture is commonly known to treat pain and injury of all types: back injury, tennis elbow, migraines, sports injuries, knee pain and the like. …
Acupuncture Reduces Pain, Need for Opioids after Surgery
Back pain
Harve says:
After a terrible fall down some stairs a couple of years ago, my back has been in chronic, sometimes excruciating pain. I have been taking pain meds ever since, but I want to get better! Does anyone have any suggestions for…